Projets bénéficiaires

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Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée

Project duration

48 months

Overall budget (EU% contribution)

3.000.000 €



In the ACP countries, and in particular most African countries, the audiovisual landscape is undergoing a rapid evolution, with several simultaneous phenomena, which are mainly linked to the rapid increase in the population and the growth of a middle class and its desire to grow and to have fun: An explosion in the consumption of audiovisual content, especially on the Internet and on paid or free online platforms; the opening or reopening of numerous cinemas, offering excellent screening conditions and giving the population the taste to watch films on large screen and to share a collective experience; a desire for new local content, similar to what is happening in Nigeria with the thousands of films and series produced by "Nollywood". Spectators want an alternative to Hollywood’s offer and watch films with content closer to their social and economic environment and in which they can recognize themselves


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