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The EU/UNESCO Bank of Expertise is up for renewal: participate in the call for expressions of interest

UNESCO is launching a call to renew and expand its two existing Pools of Expertise, as well as the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators, in the framework of a new EU/UNESCO Pool of Expertise programme for a 4-year term (2023-2026). This initiative aims to support Member States and cities in the promotion and protection of cultural and creative industries, using the regulatory frameworks of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

The project is supported by the EU under the programme “Advancing Informed Policies and Actions and Supporting Policy Making to Enhance the Contribution of Creative Sectors and Industries to Sustainable Development”. This initiative is the result of a ten-year collaboration between UNESCO and the EU, which has developed models and policy instruments to assist in the implementation of the UNESCO Culture2030 Indicators, aiming to support countries’ cultural policies across the different cultural fields.

More information on how to participate can be found on the UNESCO website.

Deadline for submission: 23 April 2023


Photo credit: @Shutterstock


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