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Sounds Connect grantees attend a networking workshop in Malawi

Sound Connects Fund (SCF) sub-grantees are visiting Lilongwe in Malawi for the second SCF Grantee networking and capacity building workshop. The workshop – taking place from 26 September to 1 October 2022 – hosts some 20 delegates from the second SCF cohort of grantees from seven Southern African countries.

As part of the fund’s capacity-building programme designed to support and empower the sub-grantees as they deliver their projects, the workshop include activities that foster knowledge sharing, peer-to-peer learning, team building and networking. All the topics discussed during the workshop are aimed at building the capacity of the delegates as organisational leaders. They also have the opportunity to engage with various actors and organisations in the Malawi ICC space, including sub-grantees based in that country.

“We are proud to be hosting this capacity-focused workshop for the fund’s second cohort of grantees,” MIAF project manager Violet Maila said. “The programme is interactive and engaging, and provides a great opportunity for them to network, connect and learn from each other.”

Goethe-Institut Johannesburg head of culture and development Carolin Christgau said: “We hope that in addition to hosting a successful workshop, we will be able to garner more awareness about the fund in that region. The SCF will publish its last open call in December 2022.”

For more information on the Sound Connects Fund, please visit


Photo credit: © Music in Africa


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